Linking You With Green & Me
Friday, February 6, 2009
Hellooo :) sorry i haven't been posting up things for A LONG TIME. :(Thanks to the behind-the-scenes stages:
1. Stage 1: ALL GREENLINKERS for their ideas, concepts etc (we really discussed quite long about this hahah).
2. Stage 2: Vivien, for being our artist, and practicing so hard to draw a perfect picture!
3. Stage 3: Derek, for taking the video :) (with my wonderful camera.)
4. Stage 4: Jia Min, for providing the music!!!
5. Stage 5: Silvesta! for editting the video.
ALSO, thanks to Jia Min and Hui Yong for designing the posters for CCA DAY! (we seriously should limit the number of posters of ALL ccas for cca day. there were WAY TOO MANY posters and wasted so much paper.)
Thanks to Yann Qi tooooo for coming up with very fresh and interesting ideas for our educational posters!!!
8:09 PM